Mortal Kombat X on the go!


For those who are fans of the classic fighting game but don't have a gaming console, the Mortal Kombat X game is available for FREE on many smartphones, tablets, and Google Play! Simply search in your app store and download.

The app isn't new as I've been playing well over a year. Pick a faction and favorite character to represent your team. Strengthen fighters by competing in Shao Kahn's tower, Battle Mode, or Faction Wars. Beat online players to earn rewards as your rank rises. New challenges every month allow you to unlock special characters. This week's character is Klassic Sonya Blade!

Koins and "souls" allow you to buy characters, equipment, card packs, weapons, and more. Passing levels and completing daily missions are helpful in accumulating currency. Already own the console version? You can connect the two and receive more bonus features. Although internet connection is required for total gameplay experience, you can still play Battle Mode without it.

It's the ultimate dream for any gamer to have easily accessible when not at home. The new challenges and weekly online ranks keep the gameplay interesting while many things can be purchased simply through rewards. That way, you don't break the bank in order to be number one!

Don't forget to join Vegetarian Courtesy!

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  1. ¡Me encanta este juego! Gracias por el dato, lo voy a buscar :) ¡Saludos, Adri! Por cierto, tu gatito se ve lindisimo <3

    1. ¡Gracias! Es uno de mis videojuegos favoritos. :)<3

  2. My boys used to love that game!
    Lynne x

    1. It's a good classic that has evolved really well.

  3. I remember having the first 2 on Sega Genesis, we bought a code book to know all the moves

  4. Their fashion style in these games is sooo amazing :D so much fun!!

    1. Yes!! I love the outfit on Kold War Sub-Zero! :D<333

  5. Anonymous29/1/17 19:49

    My exboyfiriends, ex-husband, and my son all love fighting games like that!
    But I can't do well, so my character could't turn. So she continued going straight , the her body hit the wall...


    1. It does take a little practice! But it is really fun. :)

  6. Que buen juego!!besos

  7. I want your bag! It's so cute <3

  8. Thanks a lot :D

    sounds super interesting my friend :D I didn't know :D

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  9. Gracias por la info, este juego me encantaba de pequeña, siempre jugaba con mi hermano ^^
    Un beso!

  10. Never played that before!

    Have a great day,
    Almost Stylish


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